Hello, i am a huge fan of this terrain and have 3d Printed the Dungeon, Cave and Outdoor terrain. It is a huge hit for Gloomhaven nights, and i have even started bringing it to DnD nights with friends and everyone loves it, making everything feel much nore immersive. However now that i have all this terrain, my wife and i have been looking into good storage solutions for when it is not in use, something that is easily accessible so i can sift through to build scenarios.
Right now, i use a simple 3x3 cube shelf with the fabric box inserts for each theme and have the different wall pieces and tiles broken up into separate plastic bags. It is "organized" but takes a long time for me to sift through all the pieces and build up the scenario. I usually need to build everything ahead of time, which is not bad if we only do one scenario but can take quite a while if i need to build up a second or third scenario. It takes even longer if i need to use terrain from multiple themes. I am sure there are better ways people store this or any DnD terrain.
Additionally, I'm also looking into travel solutions. I sometimes bring this terrain to DnD night or Gloomhaven nights at other friends' houses and i feel like there is a smarter more effective way to pack everything up and travel with it so i don't have to prebuild everything and can remain flexible. What do you guys use to store and travel with your TST terrain?
Firstly, i appreciate everyone's input a ton. It has greatly helped a lot when it comes to figuring out proper storage solutions. Travel solutions are also equally as tricky. I am thinking of getting a board game travel bag, similar to the one in this amazon link:
I think with a bag like this, i can either make or buy inserts that i can organize into easy-to-access boxes that can hold the tiles and wall pieces, plus any overlays n such. Recently for DnD, i set up this little travel box for the Dungeon tiles:
It was also asked to show some of our DnD setups, we played tonight using it for a portion of Stormwreck Isles and it was really fun!