I am actually working on this terrain system while not currently owning the original game. I do intend to buy it soon. I had been playing Jaws of the lion for a few weeks before I found out about this terrain system. So all of the stuff I am currently printing if intended for that game. I am getting pretty close to being able to recreate my first scenario (Scenario 7) and I am super excited to play this weekend on it. A few notes
1. The oil hexes were actually grass hexes that failed near completion on my printer. Kind of a lucky accident to be able to use them.
2. The Tudor walls are stl files that I found on thingiverse that work really well with this system. They are just sitting on top of the terrain right now, but hopefully some day soon I can find or make a better solution. For right now, they look really nice, and they use the open lock clips as well.

I still have a decent amount of painting and a little more printing before this scenario is complete. but It is looking really really cool! Thank you Talisman Sabre!
Looking awesome John! Great save on the ‘oil hexes’!