Hi Folks, Thanks again to Jay and Jeff for creating an amazing product. I'm new to 3D printing and painting and really appreciate that you have brought a new element to a game my kids and love. I worked on Scenario #6 as that was where we were headed towards and as i'm sure you've all done, it was a frantic race to get it all put together and painted for the day you invited folks over to play for the first time on your new 3D board. With lots of youtube videos under my belt now, and lots of errors, here's my Decaying Crypt.

Your solution is perfect. Mesh mixer is free to download and works with my old windows which I won’t upgrade. in mesh mixer you can superpose 2 objects and delete everywhere they touch, removing from the column the intersection where the gargoyle fits in atop the column. but again, your magnet solution is probably even better in many ways.