I just got my 3d ender 3 S1 printer and really struggling with getting smooth prints. After one week of constant tinkering, I hope it finally can handle a statue or wall hex from sabre terrain. (Not the demo tile from your website). Can you please please share a real tile for me to assess if with current settings I will get value for money? I don't want to spend if this fails.
Thank you very much.
Not with TST but the test file is close enough to the real tiles that any issues you're seeing in the test will roll over to the actual purchased models. I have an S1 Pro and I would encourage you to keep tinkering with it until you are happy. The S1 is great for its price but it doesn't always work perfect out of the box and sometimes its a bit finicky. As for if these tiles will be great value, they are far above anything else on the market for Gloomhaven and indeed worth it if you want an immersive experience.