Hi everyone. I've started printing my dungeon floor tiles and they've been coming out with globs of PLA on certain areas of the tile. They sort of look like pools or scabs. The image is below the cura settings. Does anyone know how to avoid this? I've turned off ironing and the same thing happens.
Here's my setup:
Creality Ender 3 V2
CR Touch autobed leveler
eSUN PLA+ Black 1kg
Settings Cura 5.0: Standard Quality-Layer height: 0.2 mm
-Wall thickness: 0.8 mm
-Wall line count: 2
-Horizontal expansion: 0
-Top/bottom thickness: 0.8 mm
-Top Thickness: 0.8 mm
-Top layers: 4
-Bottom thickness: 0.8 mm
-Bottom layers: 4
-Infill: 20%
-Infill pattern: cubic
-Printing temperature: 210 celsius
-Build plate temp: 50 celsius
-Print Speed: 50 mm/s
-Retraction enabled
-Ironing enabled
-Pattern: Zig Zag
-Line spacing: 0.1 mm
-Ironing flow: 10%
-Ironing inset: 0.38
-Ironing speed: 16.666
From our website, you can see the same difference in layer height that you're referring to as "blobs" on the hexes in the lower left tile pieces. It comes down to layer height and the fact that the tile itself has slightly raised sections in its design, which manifest themselves thusly.